Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Soy Nut Butter Drive

To the Stateline Food Allergy Support Team members and...
other members of our community,

You might have heard that the Rockford Food Pantry is doing a Peanut Butter
Drive. This food drive was started to collect peanut butter (and jelly) for
children that eat free school lunches and may not have food to eat during the
HHMMM???? What if the child is allergic to peanut butter? Yes, they could just
have jelly sandwiches but they should have a good source of protein just like
any other child.
That got me thinking... there is something we can do & it would be a great
opportunity to offer support. We know what it's like to not be able to feed our
child something that's offered to others. It's rough on us & rough on our kids.
Let's collect Soy Nut Butter for the kids with food allergies and sensitivities
that may need to use the Food Pantry's services this summer.
I'll be collecting jars of Soy Nut Butter until the end of May. Please contact
me if you would like to donate a jar, or two or three.

Take Heart.
Bev Pomering

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